Thursday, May 22, 2008

All I do is sleep!

And look cute to!
Happy Friday :)

The christening!

So Callie was Christened a few weeks ago along with her cousin Tasia

Here are the christened kiddos along with their respective Godparents, Vanya and Anna (filling in for Frances...thank you Anna!!!) with Tasia, aka Gus, and Suzie and Misha with Callie!

Here's Suzie and Shawn hanging with Callie post dunking!

And to celebrate the event, the rest of us played with bubbles...

whilst Callie took a nap ;)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Here's looking at you kid

Happy Monday!

Lullabie for Callie

Mishka is sharing her lullibies with her little sister...and daddy serves as and anti-germ shield ;)